2012年8月17日 星期五



一提起關島,金色陽光、美麗沙灘和清澈海洋絕對是專屬它的稱職代名詞,熱門度假勝地關島,常是許多新人、旅客的首選觀光地點之一,更是讓愛潛水的行家不能錯過的一站!近日「關島指南」網站(The Guam Guide)就整理出12個關島最佳潛水地點,關島的海水能見度超過30公尺,擁有豐富的海洋生態和兩次世界大戰所遺留下來的歷史遺跡,是全世界最棒的潛水地點。

若提到關島知名潛點、最有名的非藍洞莫屬!它是一個約位於18公尺深處的裂縫,裡頭有令人歎為觀止的海中仙境。這片海域的能見度極佳,潛水者可穿梭在海底洞穴觀賞大型鮪魚、獨角魚與礁鯊等生物。此外,可可斯島與珊瑚花園也是觀賞海底珊瑚礁生態的熱門地點。在可可斯島,可採放流潛水(drift diving)的方式觀賞海底下大片的珊瑚礁與海底生物。珊瑚花園則如其名,有著巨大珊瑚結構的海域,宛如一座深海花園。


若還沒有潛水執照的新手也很適合把關島當成潛水初體驗的絕佳地點!例如在魚眼公園潛水就不需要執照即可進行體驗潛水,在專業教練的帶領下任何人都可輕易挑戰,愜意欣賞成群的蝴蝶魚、七帶豆娘魚和梭魚,還能順便和海底展望台內部的遊客打招呼;若是潛水老手,則可考慮至 11哩珊瑚礁,來個與鯊魚的第一次親密接觸!



Tokai Maru and SMS Cormoran

Perhaps the most well known dive sites on Guam, this combination of wrecks from two different world wars is the only such dive site in the world. Both wrecks are unique dives on their own, but a chance to touch both at the same time is a memorable achievement for any diver’s bucket list.

The Blue Hole

Considered to be Guam’s signature natural feature dive, the Blue Hole is a crevice that opens into the ocean floor off Orote Peninsula. The dive begins at 50’ and lets out at 135.’ The visibility in this area can be an incredible 100’+. Look out for large tuna, unicorn fish, and reef sharks on this beautiful blue ocean dive.

11-Mile Reef

More experienced divers should check out this deepwater ocean site. Eleven miles off the coast of Guam, the ocean floor rises to around 100 feet creating an oasis of sea life. You’re likely to spot reef sharks in these exceptionally clear waters.

Cocos Island

Often done as a drift dive, ride the currents as you pass over fish-filled coral beds off the east and west coasts of Cocos Island. Keep an eye out for turtles, spotted eagle rays, and white tip reef sharks. Like many of the dives further off the coast, the visibility here is much clearer than at reefs closer to Guam, so bring your camera.

American Tanker

Most shipwrecks lie in fairly deep waters. But resting on the south side of the Apra Harbor jetty, this water barge turned artificial reef starts at 50’, making it a great beginner wreck dive. Stop to take your picture with the American flag, a stunning site under water.

Gun Beach

Often referred to as “the best shore dive on Guam,” Gun Beach is a great place to spot turtles, rays, and octopus. Follow the pipes out from the shore through the breakwater for a safe entry and exit past the reef line.

Coral Gardens

This underwater fantasyland of coral formations is located just south of the marina in Agat. If you’re a strong swimmer, Coral Gardens could be doable as a shore dive. In addition to the massive coral structures, you’re likely to spot lion fish, eels, and Christmas tree worms in this peaceful and relatively shallow (45’) underwater garden.

Gab Gab

Located at the beach on Naval Base Guam, this massive wall of coral seems to go on forever and is jam packed with fish and other reef life. A night dive here is a great place to spot colorful crabs and different varieties of shrimp. Keep your eyes out for turtles as this wildlife preserve is one of their favorite hangouts.

Gab Gab II

For big fish and possible nurse shark sightings, check out this reef in Apra Harbor where the Atlantis Submarine circles. Interact with the curious and well-fed giant trevally. Look for the bright red anemone and keep an eye out for giant eels.

Anae Island

A short boatride from Agat marina lies this interesting rock island, complete with a shallow cave to pass through. Go at night and keep your eyes open for lobster. This is also a great snorkel spot, accessible by kayak.

Pete’s Reef

Plenty to see at this lively reef, accessible by boat from Agat Marina. This underwater city of colorful life especially comes alive at night when you can spot sleeping parrot fish and hunting eels.

Fish Eye

Located off Rt. 1 south of Asan Beach, Fish Eye is a great shore dive for beginners. Among the schools of butterfly fish and sergeant majors, keep an eye out for barracuda. Wave to tourists through the windows of the underwater lookout situated in one of Piti’s “bomb holes.”


